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About these Pages

    This is my computer magazine "jump" site, or navigation site, brought back from oblivion. It turns out that I "parked" it on this server and forgot about it until recently. Now it lives again and is updated for the first time in years.

    Not all magazines are "true" computer magazines, but all offer extensive coverage of computers in line with what is the actual focus of the publication. As an avid reader of these publications, I often go to the associated Web sites to get further information or to look up past issues. To facillitate this, I built this site as an online bookmark file to go to any one that I want. Since it is online, it provides the same convenience to others.

    This site heralds back over eleven years to a site that chronicled the Web sites of computer magazines. the original was just a part of a single page site that was itself a bookmark file. It has grown into a site by itself instead of merely being a piece of one. I have reason to believe that it is the largest site dedicated to this subject. I do owe thanks to others for providing of the links outside the US and not produced by one of the major publishers, just take a look at the German or Polish sites to see what I mean. Yeah, without help I would never have found all those; still cannot read most of them because of the language skills involved, but they are represented here.

    Some may not load on different computers because the fonts for display are not on the system, or will send the browser to a site to download the necessary font needed to display the page. It requires between thirty and fifty Mbytes of font files to display all the available sites.

    The North American page is by far the largest and easiest to maintain as far as the research into the publishers is concerned. the page size makes it more of a chore to update just because of the sheer volume of links. Many times the publications will change their site addresses, or the magazine will change names. Multiple links remain for as long as I know that they work, so some magazines may have more than one listing.

    The site continues to be "a work in progress" because magazines are constantly being consolidated, magazines change names and focus, magazines move from the print and online world to just the online world, go out of print, and magazines change the URL of their addresses. the only requirement to inclusion is simply to cover some area of technology and computers as their main focus.

    Many of the large publishers continue to add sites to their vast array of information, each covering a different area and all tied together at one or more points to form a portal for that particular company. the portal listings comprise the newest part of this site. It will have the "Big three", IDG, CMP and ZD, and others that most people may not know exist. Penton is large, but offers professional publications in many fields.

    I truly hope that you enjoy, and find it useful. I am interested in whether visitors think it would find it useful to have the North American publications broken down into areas of focus, such as graphics, games, business, IT, etc. that task potentially occupies the future direction of additions to this site. there is a site that does this, though it lists far fewer choices in its content.

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